Ročník 63 (2008), 10
The philosopher and theologian, Samuel Štefan Osuský (1888 – 1975), who was an exceptional personality among the anti-philosophically oriented protestant theologians, underlined the importance of the rational attitude in the philosophical investigations of the fundamental problems. His researches in the history of philosophy (including Slovak philosophy) were… Čítať ďalej
The paper’s focus is on three main issues: (1) it examines the influences of the external, mainly political turbulences on the conception and publishing of ten volumes of Anthology of Philosophers' Works (Antológia z diel filozofov, 1966 –1977), paying attention especially to anomalies accompanying its accomplishment; (2) on wider philosophical background on which… Čítať ďalej
The paper offers a description of the philosophical systems of two Neothomists of the late 19th century: Lajos Franciscy and Ede Mihálovics, drawing on their contributions published in the journal Bölcseleti Folyóirat. Prevailing in Franciscy are ethical and psychological works, while Mihálovics focused mainly on epistemology and the relationships between… Čítať ďalej
In Slovak philosophy of the 1940s the problematic of the real existence of the external world as well as the interpretation of the process of cognition became the most burning issues. This had several reasons: a new generation of professional philosophers was taking the philosophical floor. They had to face the predomination of Czech positivists and critical… Čítať ďalej
Two relevant political groups appeared due to the political strategy in the second half of the 19th century: The Old School and The New School. The liberally oriented New School without any historical prejudices was prone to cooperation with aristocracy and gentry, but also with Hungarian radical Left. The New School’s nation-building project underlined the… Čítať ďalej
The paper offers an analysis of Martin Rázus’ work Argumenty (Arguments, 1932) and its place in the history of philosophy and ethics in the first half of the 20th century in Slovakia. Rázus deals with three basic forms of life: (a) its biological-anthropological form, which is a presupposition and basis of the other two forms: (b) life in the… Čítať ďalej
Úvahy - eseje
The paper is a reflection on the polemic between Béla Grünwald, the author of the writing Upper Hungary, and Michal Mudroň, the author of a response to Grünwald with the same title. The background of the polemic is the Nationalities Law, as articulated by József Eötvös, the conception of an indivisible unitary Hungarian nation and the emerging idea of the… Čítať ďalej