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Vybrané aspekty doby přechodu v kontextu společenského prostoru

Filozofia, 79 (2024), 7, 798 - 808.
Typ článku: Recenzné štúdie
The text focuses on the legacy of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer in their contemporary times. The initial point is Adorno – Horkheimer‘s ideas regarding the critique of change in the social space. These changes are caused by a whole range of factors – the separation from nature, technological progress and the associated increase of consumerism, the dumbing down of society due to movies or cartoons etc. These changes bring phenomena that can be called morbid symptoms. These symptoms are an integral part to the interregnum. Morbid symptoms described by Adorno and Horkheimer are identical to those manifested nowadays. These symptoms are presented by the Czech philosopher Michael Hauser. The pivotal aim of the text is to point out the connection between the ideas of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer whose legacy is still alive in the social space, and the contemporary interregnum presented by Michael Hauser.
Kľúčové slová

interregnum, Neoliberalism, morbid symptoms, Transgression, Culture, Adorno, Horkheimer, Hauser, Ontology, Critical theory

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