Ročník 76 (2021), 4
Philosophers often consider vagueness (a linguistic expressions admits of unclear or borderline cases of application) to be an undesirable phenomenon. The authors of the text reject the exi stence of ontological vagueness, and, in cooperation with T. Williamson, they find the roots of vagueness in insufficient understanding. Apart from epistemological vagueness,… Čítať ďalej
In his Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, Edmund Husserl introduces the pure ‘I’ (reines Ich) as a peculiar, non-constituted transcendence that is not contained in the stream of immanent experience. In the Ideas, however, Husserl does not elaborate much on the consequences of this step regarding the internal time-… Čítať ďalej
This article deals with a specific dimension of collective memory – the duty of memory. It focuses on two philosophical approaches concerning the question of the duty of memory, as represented, on the one hand, by occasional texts of V. Jankélévitch published in the works Imprescriptible (1986), or in Lʼesprit de résistance (2015), and, on the other hand, the… Čítať ďalej
The paper argues against the interpretations of Wittgenstein’s philosophy by Conant, Diamond, and Crary presented in The New Wittgenstein. Such interpretations are based on the concept of mere (or plain) nonsense and try out a strategy of translating Wittgenstein’s work into the idiom of therapeutic philosophy. In my argumentation, I show that it is impossible to… Čítať ďalej
The paper intends to introduce main points of Eco’s critique of Vattimo’s philosophy. It focuses on differences in their approaches and provides a closer view of one of the philosophical discussions happening at the wake of the new millennium. We focus on understanding reality and the limits of interpretation as the two key points of Eco’s consideration and… Čítať ďalej