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Volume 31 (1976), 1

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: S novou iniciatívou a progresívnym riešením úloh v ústrety XV. zjazdu KSČ)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 3-18.
The paper analyzes the topical problems and formulates the basic tasks of social sciences in connection with the preparation of the 15th congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The fact that science has become a more and more important factor of not only the technical, but also of the social progress brings about qualitatively new demands for the… Read more
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(Original title: K problematike vedy o vede)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 19-33.
In the epoch of the scientific-technological revolution it is necessary to recognize theoretically and to regulate practically the complicated structured mutually stimulative connections of the sciences and of the productive practice by adequate methods of the universal science of science. Under the conditions of revolutionary changes of the functional relations of… Read more
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Papers and Discussions - Society, Culture and Morale

(Original title: Kultúra a civilizácia)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 34-42.
There is no unsurpassable limit between the notions of culture and civilization. The environment of civilization can not, of course, be reduced only to a passive, inert basis,, to an uncreative starting point for cultural creation. Both notions — civilization and culture — are inseparably connected, both together create the social environment in the particular… Read more
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(Original title: Morálka a hodnoty)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 43-54.
The paper in its first part follows the sources of ideas of one of the well-known contemporary bourgeois ideologists R. S. Hartman: G. E. Moor’s intuitivism, phenomenology and neo-positivism. The other part is devoted to R. S. Hartman himself. Starting from these sources R. S. Hartman attempts at a „scientification“ of ethics through symbolic logic or formal… Read more
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(Original title: K aktuálním problémům sociální revoluce v současné epoše)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 55-70.
Elucidating the topical problems of social revolution the author criticizes the one-sided aspects of reformism and anarchism, but also dogmatism and revisionism as they are manifested in the process of social revolution in the contemporary epoch, which opens new chances for the revolutionary movements of all nations:
1. to materialize the transition to socialism… Read more
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Papers and Discussions - From the History of Slovak Philosophy

(Original title: Niektoré problémy Horváthovej Metafyziky)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 71-86.
This closely specific paper is to be a contribution to a systematic elaboration of Slovak philosophy. The author has concentrated her attention on Metaphysics of the best known and scientifically fittest philosopher of Trnava University, J. B. Horváth. While the works of Trnava philosophers from the period after the reform of the university in the year 1753 are… Read more
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(Original title: Progresivita učenia Andreja Jaszlinszkého o percepcii)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 87-93.
Andrej Jaszlinszký (1715—117180) was professor of the disciplines of philosophy at the late University of Trnava (1635—1777). The author points out the progressivity of Andrej Jaszlinszký’s teaching in his views of perception. He centralized and placed its origin in the cortex and explained the course of the processes by means of the anatomic and physiological… Read more
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Papers and Discussions - Space and Time

(Original title: Podmienky poznávania a problém univerzálnosti priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 94-105.
The process of the development of scientific cognition in penetration into the non-classical worlds presents once again the problem of complexity of the cognitive process — the conditions of cognition. Stemming from the existence of the universal dialectical connection of phenomena of material reality the conditions of cognition — be it material or ideal-theoretical… Read more
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(Original title: XXX. ročník bulharského filozofického časopisu)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 106-115.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: XII. konferencia redaktorov filozofických a sociologických časopisov socialistických krajín)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 116-118.
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(Original title: II. medzinárodné študentsko-filozofické sympózium Mládež a filozofia)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 118-120.
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(Original title: Náročná učebnica logiky)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 121-122.
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(Original title: Otázky vedeckého zákona)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 122-126.
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(Original title: Monografia o staročínskej filozofii)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 1, 126-129.
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