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Volume 51 (1996), 6


(Original title: Henri Poincaré alebo kríza fyziky a filozofie)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 355-360.

The paper deals with Henri Poincaré’s approach to 19th century crisis in physics and philosophy. In the time, when old inquiries, especially in physics, were relativized by the new, especially physical ones, when new non-Euclidean geometry has been articulated and when the absolutistic theories of the universe were no more valid, Poincaré labeled scientific and… Read more

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(Original title: Operatívny prístup v teórii pravdy)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 361-371.

The operative approach in the theory of truth in Kamlah’s and Lorenzen’s Logische Propädeutik was an attempt to create a scientific language by means of critical reconstruction of ordinary language. In Kamlah’s and Lorenzen’s opinion, the proposition is true only when it is interpersonally verified: the predicator „true“ helps to introduce the predicator… Read more

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(Original title: Odraz krízy nemeckého vysokého školstva v Kantovej analýze univerzitného vzdelávania)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 372-384.

The paper focuses on Kant’s analysis of university education system on the background of the historical condition of the 2nd half of the 18th century. Kant’s conception assumes an autonomous status of a university with no rights of the state power to intervene. He questiones the traditional organization of the university. He is in search for an answer to the… Read more

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From Young Writers’ Competition

(Original title: Subjektivita ako afektivita a trpnosť)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 385-394.

In Levinas’ conception of the subject affection appears as a new, essential element. This affection is closely related to the „idea“ of the absolute separation of the Other. It is an affection generated by the Other’s impact on the Same, i. e. it is the Other-inthe Same condition. The separation of the Other is related to the Same through the fellow-man or the… Read more

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(Original title: Kariéra slova janičiar)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 395-400.

The paper offers a semantic analysis of the word Janisary“, which has recently, due to new attempts at a definition of of nation and its enemies, has shifted from the periphery of Slovak language to the centre of the discourse. Inspired by Wittgenstein, the author calls for a more appropriate understanding of the word, which, in his view, should not refer only to… Read more

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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Krivolaké cesty k pluralite filozofie a k ich poznaniu)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 401-408.
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(Original title: Štruktúra umeleckých revolúcií)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 409-417.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Descartes: pre, proti, alebo o ňom?)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 418-420.
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(Original title: Listy z podzemia)
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 420-421.
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(Original title: Vzostup a pád subjektu alebo od Rousseaua po Derridu (Solomon C. Robert))
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 422-424.
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(Original title: Etika súčasnosti v kontexte postmoderny (Zborník prác))
Filozofia, 51 (1996), 6, 424-426.
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