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Volume 31 (1976), 4


(Original title: XV. zjazd KSČ a úlohy marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 353-370.
The paper elaborates the tasks of the dialectical and historical materialism from the aspect of the resolutions of the T5th congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. It emphasizes the inevitability of elaborating the methods of using and applying its theses, categories and laws ait formulating .and materializing the policy of the Communist party. It inquires… Read more
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(Original title: Súčasný ideologický boj a vedeckotechnická revolúcia)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 371-384.
The problem of the scientific-technological revolution, the interpretation of its character, substance,, historical task and perspectives for human society occupies an important place in Marxist and idealist philosophy. Unlike the Marxist social sciences that do not ignore the contradictoriness and complexity of the scientific-technological revolution, but… Read more
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Papers - Philosophical Problems of Art and Culture

(Original title: Kultúrna revolúcia a kultúrne dedičstvo v socializme)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 385-392.
Cultural revolution as one of the components of socialist revolution leads in the process of sooialcultural practice to the rise of man’s creative approach to his environment and to himself and to the demands of permanent development of his creative approach as a condition of the further development of human culture. The dialectic understanding of the relation of… Read more
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Papers - Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

(Original title: K problému univerzálnosti priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 393-405.
The development of contemporary p'hysica, first of all the physics of elementary particles, presents a number of serious philosophical problems, the problem of universality of space and time being one of them. The author analyzes the philosophical presuppositions of the macroscopic hypothesis of space and time, according to which space and time extinct in microcosm,… Read more
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(Original title: Dialektika vnútorného vývoja fyzikálnych teórií)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 406-414.
The first links in the chain of the historical dialectical development of physical theories of either classical or modem physics, originated on the basis of the unifying generalization of experimental facts. But as soon as these historically oldest theories had originated, they contained in themselves the impetus of a further development and of a rise of new theories… Read more
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Papers - Man and Society

(Original title: Povaha a perspektívy sociálnych aktivít)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 415-429.
The multiform human activity is characterized by a variety of dynamic human needs the nature of which dis historically — socially conditioned, then by the interstructural determination of the subject and by the general level of the development of productive forces in the particular social-economic formation. This multiform human operation upon the natural-cosmic and… Read more
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(Original title: Niektoré aktuálne otázky ontológie)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 430-433.
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(Original title: Filozofické problémy teórie relativity v sovietskej filozofii dvadsiatych a tridsiatych rokov)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 434-437.
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(Original title: Sociálno-etický aspekt osobnosti)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 437-441.
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(Original title: Russellove skúmania o zmysle a pravdivosti)
Filozofia, 31 (1976), 4, 441-445.
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