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Volume 59 (2004), 1


(Original title: Vladár a technika politiky)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 1-7.

The paper examines Machiavelliś Prince, which is conceived as a textbook of politics. A special attention is paid to Machiavelliś understanding of the technical aspect of the struggle for political power. The authorś stress is particularly on the masterpieces of political technology embodied in this treatise and covered by the phenomenon of… Read more

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(Original title: Sarvepalli Rádhakrišnan a "náboženstvo ducha")
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 8-19.

The ideas of the Indian historian of philosophy, philosopher of religion, politician and diplomatist Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888 - 1975) have a special status in the reflection of contemporary processes of globalisation: they are, besides other aspects, attractive in connection with the status of ethics in the contemporary dialogue of cultures. These ideas are… Read more

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(Original title: Historická udalosť ako filozofický problém (k Foucaultovmu ponímaniu udalosti))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 20-30.

Drawing on Foucault the author tries to answer the questions such as What is actually an event?, What is it that makes an usual phenomenon an event?, What is it that makes a historical event to emerge out of a set of banal events? It is evident, that the answers to these questions depend on the general view of history. Foucaultian history is nominalistic, i. e.… Read more

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(Original title: Rorty a Foucault (Dialektika osvícenství a romantismu))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 31-40.

According to the author Rorty´s romanticism is limited by postanalytical presuppositions. Consequently, Rorty should be considered a "modern enlightened man". Due to his disbelief in the concept od "experience", in searching for something beyond "vocabularies", Rorty ignores an important fact: Humans are interconnected with their world also by other relationships… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofické základy nenarušiteľnosti ľudského života)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 41-53.

Das Verständnis des menschlichen Lebens und das damit verbundene Problem der Unzerstörbarkeit, wird in der Geschichte der Philosophie unterschiedlich interpretiert. Schon die Philosophen der Antike benutzten für die Bezeichnung des Lebens die Begriffe: BIOS und DZOOE. Das Verständnis des Lebens wurde zuerst als die Eigenschaft der Materie verstanden: die Vertreter… Read more

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(Original title: Neštandardnosť nie je rozpačitosť)
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 54-57.
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(Original title: Gigantomachia prírody a kultúry - evolučná ontológia z Brna (J. Šmajs - J. Krob))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 58-64.
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(Original title: O nebi, zemi a človeku dvakrát múdrom - o pohľade ponad Rubikon (J. Šmajs))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 65-68.
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(Original title: Rozličné kontexty idey ľudskej dôstojnosti (G. Collste))
Filozofia, 59 (2004), 1, 69-74.
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