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Volume 80 (2025), 1

Original Articles

(Original title: O realistických návrhoch v súčasnej filozofii histórie)
Filozofia, 80 (2025), 1, 20 - 34.
In recent years, several realist interpretations of historical work have been presented within the philosophy of history. In this paper, I briefly examine three of them, namely I discuss the views of T. E. Førland, B. Mitrović and A. Timmins. I critically analyze their claims and try to identify what unites them. I focus mainly on the concept of fact and, in general… Read more
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(Original title: Should We Share Misfortune with Our Friends? Pleasure and Pain in the Context of Aristotle’s Theory of Friendship)
Filozofia, 80 (2025), 1, 35 - 48.
This paper explores Aristotle’s claim that, while we should be ready to assist our friends in their misfortunes, we should not share our pain with them and instead share only good things. I analyze the role this idea plays within Aristotle’s overall theory of friendship, particularly his argument that sharing pain with friends brings us pleasure but causes them pain… Read more
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(Original title: Vyrovnávanie sa s globálnymi zmenami: Potreba nových hodnôt)
Filozofia, 80 (2025), 1, 4 - 19.
The following text was presented to the 1995 conference of the International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children and appears here for the first time in a Slovak translation. Unfortunately, the challenges of coping with global change that it discusses have still not been addressed. Some of the facts have changed—for example, China’s per capita greenhouse… Read more
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