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Idea ontotvornosti vědomí

Filozofia, 46 (1991), 1, 30-44.
Typ článku: State

In the epoch of German classical philosophy the interests of men were carried through by epoch-making changes of society. That is why the category „idea“, expressing the basic trend of objective changes from the point of view of needs and interests of the subject, was for Hegel hierarchically the last degree of his system of philosophical categories.

For Husserl, however, social interests were something merely appended (zugewachsen — a characteristic which was used for the phenomenological conception by Werner Marx) to free creativity of the subject. That is why phenomenological reduction attmepts to set free subjectiveness from the linkage of interests to the historical situation in which the subject already finds himself. Philosophical reason does not express in this case the onto-formative interest of social emancipation any longer.

With Heidegger reason returns to the unity with social interests,, however, not as the force which transforms and emancipates them from faoticity but as one consciously accepting a position of historical facticity of particular interests.

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