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Základy filozofie dialógu. Nad slovenským prekladom Buberovej knihy "Ja a Ty"
Typ článku: Recenzné štúdie
The year 2023 marked the centenary of the first publication of Buber’s philosophical-poetic classic I and Thou, in which he introduced the foundations of his philosophy of dialogue. To mark the occasion, Peter Šajda has produced the first Slovak translation of the book, which appeared at the end of last year. In the first part of the review study, I give a brief characterization of this most important work by Buber in the context of his entire oeuvre. In the second part, I outline the most important thematic lines of the book. In the third part, I make some comments on the Slovak translation and edition and compare it with the Czech ones.
Kľúčové slová
Martin Buber, I and Thou, philosophy of dialogue, Peter Šajda
Súbor na stiahnutie: PDF