Detail príspevku/publikácie
Reconsidering the Paradigm Shift from Environmental Philosophy to Global Environmentalisms
Typ článku: Eseje
The Earth has arrived at such a point that the speed of human change has had effects that are now irreversible. This picture tells us that the crises in nature are not the crises of nature but the crises of the societal system as the socio-political system ruled by political leaders, opinion-makers, and liberal extremists. The current discussions on climate change, both among environmental philosophers and in international assemblies, represent how the human-nature interaction became a complex crisis in environmental ethical dilemmas and in political and economic practices. This paper offers an examination of the validation of some classical concepts of environmental philosophy after the paradigm shift to global environmentalisms in terms of sustainability.
Kľúčové slová
eco-paradigm, Anthropocene, Environmental Ethics, climate crisis, Sustainability
Súbor na stiahnutie: PDF