Volume 38 (1983), 1
(Original title: V službách revolučnej pravdy, v službách veci robotníckej triedy a ľudu. K životnému jubileu Gustáva Husáka)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 2-8.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Materialistická dialektika a teória modelov)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 9-20.Abstract
In the paper the basic starting points and presuppositions as well as tasks and functions of models and of modelling in scientific cognition are studied and the concepts „model,, and „modelling,, are defined. The core of the paper is made up by two basic problems: 1. Analysis of the relation of concepts „model,, and „modelling,, to some categories and concepts of… Read more
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(Original title: K obtížím matematického modelováni)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 21-26.Abstract
In the paper the basic problems of mathematical modelling are analyzed by which the creating of mathematical models of some non-mathematical region or a part of reality is understood. Specific attention is paid to some difficulties of mathematization of scentific cognition. In the paper there are five of them brought: 1. Mathematicians often do not know the region… Read more
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(Original title: Niektoré aspekty racionálneho rozhodovania)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 27-32.Abstract
In the paper variety of decision-making situations in every-day life, in science, in economic activities is pointed out. Along with information also emotional, volitive, value and moral factors take part in these processes. Therefore, the concept of rational decision-making cannot be reduced to the choice by criteria of utility and risk. Rationality in this context… Read more
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(Original title: O filozofickom rozmere matematiky)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 33-45.Abstract
Marxism requires that even when creating the conception of mathematics we must not forget basic historical connections. In the paper ceartain philosophic-methodological aspects of the development of mathematics, its relation to practice and to other sciences, the development of the relation of the theoretical and applied orientation in mathematics, etc. are analyzed… Read more
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Papers - Philosophy and Culture
(Original title: Prírodné vedy a kultúra)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 46-57.Abstract
In the post-revolutionary bourgeois thinking the tendency to tear off natural sciences from other regions of culture (especially the art and the humanities), even to place them in opposition, prevails. This tendency, philosophically false and ideologically harmful, may be overcome in the philosophic way only by the application of new dialectical-materialist type of… Read more
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(Original title: Obsah a forma v kultúre súčasného človeka)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 58-69.Abstract
In the paper the author deals with the global genetic aspect of cultural development of Man in the present time. He studies it by means of fundamental categories of content and form. The weak points of universalist, reductionist and cumulative conceptions of the problem in question are shown from the point of view of dialectical and historical-materialist… Read more
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(Original title: Urxova kritika buržoáznej filozofie (K nedožitým 80-tinám Eduarda Urxa))
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 70-73.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Ku kritike revizionistických koncepcií národnostnej problematiky)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 74-81.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Problémy fyzikálnych a nefyzikálnych meraní)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 82-87.File to download: PDF
(Original title: K otázke názornosti vo vyučovaní marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 88-90.File to download: PDF
Scientific Life
(Original title: Seminárne sústredenie učiteľov marxisticko-leninskej filozofie vysokých škôl v ČSSR)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 91-94.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Medzinárodné sympózium k dialektike teoretického poznania)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 95-97.File to download: PDF
(Original title: K aktuálnym otázkam filozofie kultúry)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 97-100.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Ku kritike buržoáznej a reformistickej ideológie)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 101-102.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Závažný príspevok ku kritike scientizmu a antiscientizmu)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 102-106.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Dialektika a problémy biologického poznania)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 1, 116-120.File to download: PDF