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Volume 42 (1987), 1


(Original title: Revolučná výzva praxe pre filozofiu a vedu)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 3-8.
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(Original title: Úlohy filozofie po XVII. zjazde KSČ (Diskusia za okrúhlym stolom))
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 9-27.
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Philosophy and Culture

(Original title: Sústava vied o kultúre a filozoficko-historická teória kultúry)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 35-40.
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(Original title: Vzťah teoretického a umeleckého osvojovania skutočnosti)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 41-45.
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(Original title: Filozofické riešenie podstatného určenia a javových foriem kultúry)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 46-49.
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(Original title: Kultúra a historicko-filozofické skúmanie vedomia)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 50-56.
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(Original title: Problém kultúry vo fenomenologickej filozofii)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 57-61.
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(Original title: Funkcia estetických potrieb v procese formovania so­cialistického spôsobu života)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 62-65.
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(Original title: K analýze pojmu kulturního člověka současné společnosti)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 66-71.
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(Original title: Sociálna pamäť a kultúra)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 72-75.
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(Original title: Kultúra ako predmet vedeckého výskumu)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 76-82.
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Papers - Problems of Theory and Methodology of Science

(Original title: K formovaniu kategoriálneho poznania)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 83-95.

In the paper attention is paid to the forming of conceptual knowledge and its many-sided development in contemporary philosophical theories. First the correlation between the word and concept is elucidated on linguistic and philosophical knowledge and then the concept as a reflection of general and substantial aspects of the subject-matter is specified. Categories… Read more

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(Original title: Iracionalizmus v Kuhnovej koncepcii vývinu vedeckých teórií)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 96-106.

In Kuhn’s conception of the evolution of scientific theories there appears variance between his effort at grasping of the logic of this development and postulating of the irrational — intuitive character of the proces of birth and acceptance of a new paradigm. In addition to criticism of such a view of the turning points in the development of scientific theories a… Read more

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(Original title: Kuhnova teória vedy)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 107-118.

The author analyzes Kuhn’s theory of science and in part some of the critical remarks of non-Marxist authors on Kuhn’s work „The Structure of Scientific Revolutions“. He focuses on the relation of the normal and the extraordinary science. He does not consider Kuhn’s classification of science to be exact enough and recommends a more subtle typology of scientific… Read more

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(Original title: Logická stránka materialistickej dialektiky)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 119-126.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Sovietska filozofia pred a po XXVII. zjazde KSSZ)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 127-129.
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(Original title: Interdisciplinárne sympózium k 275. výročiu narodenia Lomonosova)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 130-132.
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(Original title: Na ceste k teórii vedeckého poznania)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 133-136.
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(Original title: Vedecké poznanie ako činnosť)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 136-138.
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(Original title: Aktuálne problémy priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 139-141.
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(Original title: Všeobecná teória života)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 142-145.
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(Original title: O ideáloch vedy)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 1, 145-149.
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