Volume 47 (1992), 1
(Original title: Bolzanov pojem analytickej propozície)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 4-20.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Nacionálna otázka u katolíckych teológov za Slovenského štátu)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 21-29.Abstract
The nationality problem was an object of a lively discussion during the six year existence of the Slovak state. Two main streams should be distinguished in this process. Both of them go back to the ideas of Christian socialism proclaimed by Tiso as early as the period of the First Czechoslovak republic. One of these streams, however, betrayed that idea: it has… Read more
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Short Reflections
(Original title: Systémové zmeny očami Milana Šimečku)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 34-38.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Pokus Rainera Kirscha o teóriu básnického prekladu)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 39-44.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Ideálne pojmy, ich identita a podobnosti)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 45-53.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Z bratislavskej filozofickej fakulty na Sorbonu. Rozhovor s J. Šebestíkom)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 56-61.File to download: PDF
Design of a Philosophical Text
(Original title: The “how” of Philosophy: A Case for Rhetoric)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 62-64.File to download: PDF
(Original title: Feministické myslenie v Kanade)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 65-66.File to download: PDF
(Original title: O cieľoch a budúcnosti filozofie)
Filozofia, 47 (1992), 1, 67-69.File to download: PDF