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Ročník 43 (1988), 3

State - Filozofická otázky vedeckého poznania

Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 257-271.

In the paper mutual determination and mediation of the empirical and theoretical as two inevitable parts, two reciprocally linked phases of the reproduction cycle of scientific konwledge are analyzed. The empirical component grows out of the practice, it takes over its objective content from practice and is permanently mediated through theoretical knowledge and… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 272-282.

The paper resumes the problems in the work Dialectical Negation (8) and applies dialectical contradiction to systems with in-puts and out-puts, to such systems in which there are contradictions in the in-puts and out-puts, in which there are contradictions in the in-outs or in the out-puts only, and in which there are not contradictions either in the in-puts or in… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 283-294.

In the paper the problem of the rise and development of general-scientific categories in scientific cognition is set up. They make up a system-formative component of the developing general-scientific approaches at present such as: systems approach, modelling, mathematization, formalization, information theory, etc. They are characterized as fundamental concepts of… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 295-308.

In the paper the author documents that causality problems were known in the philosophy of the Antique. They were further developed in the relational thinking of the New Age. There cause-effect chains were widely used, though within the framework of the given whole, thing. External influence (cause) was not important enough working for this conception. Such factors… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 309-324.

The paper yields a historian’s outline of well-known conceptions of the origin of life on the Earth (from creationist ideas over various forms of naive abiogenesis and eternism as far as the theory of evolutionary abiogenesis). The authors reflect also the contemporary interpretation of Oparin-Darwin’s theory and the pose questions of experimental support and or… Čítať ďalej

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State - K dejinám novšieho filozofického myslenia na Slovensku

Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 325-338.

The author concentrates upon tracing of the theoretical activity of progressive philosophers and scientists from the First Congress of Artists and Scientist in 1945 to the February 1948. In the first part of the paper he concentrates on Hrušovsky’s publicist activity in which he solved problems of the relation of science and society, of prospects of scientific… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 339-347.

The subject-matter of the paper is the ideologic evolution of critical realism whch was represented by Svätopluk Štúr in post-war period. Though Štúr’s critical-realistic philosophical conception — as an attempt to achieve harmonical and humanistic synthesis of all forms of human cultural activity, based on their functional integration — avowed itself the heritage… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 348-364.

The paper consists of three parts: the first one deals with Hrušovsky’s opinions on questions of being, objective reality, matter and consciousness which make up the basis of his ontological conception. The second one endeavours to reveal theoretical and logical presuppositions of Hrušovsky’s attempt at foundation of ontology as a science, it outlines the… Čítať ďalej

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Z prípravy na XVIII. svetový filozofický kongres

Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 365-370.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 378-383.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 384-385.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 386-394.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 402-404.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 404-408.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 409-412.
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Filozofia, 43 (1988), 3, 412-415.
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