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Volume 55 (2000), 5


(Original title: Slová, ktoré sa chcú stať činmi, alebo ešte raz prípad Isokrates)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 361-377.

The paper retraces the history of one of the ancient arguments, which took place in the period of the rise of metaphysics between Plato and Isocrates. The problem at issue was the balance between words and acts. Both philosophers aimed at different resolutions of the problems brought about by this conflict bewteen the words (committing to an action) and acts (… Read more

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(Original title: Irónia a myslenie irónie v dejinách filozofie (pokus o vymedzenie problému))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 378-385.

The argument of the paper is designed to show the irony in philosophy as something stimulating critical mind, which is an inherent qaulity of any philosophical reflection. The philosophers of the past (Socrates, Schlegel, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche) indicate by their work, that the irony might be seen as a sort of "method", preventing the reason, through… Read more

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(Original title: Platónovo podobenstvo o úsečke a problém zla)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 386-394.

The aim of the paper is to show, that Plato's parable of abscissa, being interpreted as an epistemological one, can be applied also to moral problems - in the long run epistémé and areté are one. In the first part of the paper the parable as such is discussed. It defines the problem of the two worlds in platonism as actually a pseudoproblem, for… Read more

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(Original title: Prečo by nemohla byť filozofia ako filosofia alebo o jednom malom nenápadnom "s")
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 395-399.
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(Original title: K problému písania filozofie na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 400-413.
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(Original title: Autonómia filozofického poľa - boj o "s")
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 414-420.
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(Original title: Poznámka k normalizácii a regulácii jazyka)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 421-423.
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(Original title: Prednáška o prednáške)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 424-438.
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Reflections - Essays

(Original title: Filozofia a meditácia)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 5, 439-441.
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