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Volume 33 (1978), 4

Papers - From the Philosophy of the GDR

(Original title: K formovaniu, rozvíjaniu a prehlbovaniu socialistického vedomia (Myšlienky k IX. zjazdu SED))
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 383-392.
Starting from the new programme of the Unified Socialist Party of Germany, agreed at the 9th congress, the author presents the questions that belong to the circle of problems of the regularities of spiritual life in the advanced socialist society. The questions of forming, developing and intensifying the socialist consciousness are being investigated in connection… Read more
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(Original title: Životný spôsob a ideologický boj)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 393-405.
The tasks of the further development of the socialist way of life belong to the central questions of the advanced socialist society, of the manysided development of communist forms of social life. The bourgeois criticism of socialist life conditions takes advantage of the problems that arise in the relation between society and nature. It transfers the antagonistic… Read more
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(Original title: O slobode osobnosti (Základné materialistickodialektické sta­noviská marxisticko-leninského chápania slobody))
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 406-426.
The paper points out the sharp theoretical and political antagonism between the Marxist and the contemporary bourgeois conception of freedom. It discloses the deceitful character of bourgeois ideology, as its conception of freedom means an employment of capitalist exploitation and freedom of capital. The Marxist-Leninist conception of freedom confronts materialism,… Read more
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(Original title: Svetonázorovo-filozófické základy súčasnej vzdelávacej po­litiky SPD)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 427-442.
The aims of SPD and its educational policy correspond to the class function and the total strategy of the presidium of the party, i. e. to the stabilization of the state-monopoly system in the conditions of the sharpening crisis of capitalism. The foremost aim of the educational reform is to fulfill the demands of monopolies and their unions to educate the rising… Read more
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(Original title: What Is Operationalist Philosophy?)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 443-457.
The paper deals with the analysis and criticism of the philosophical conception of the founder and significant representative of operationalist philosophy Anatol Rapcupont. The author points out at the subjective-idealistic character of operationalism. Also Rapoport’s conception builds on the starting-points of the classical subjective idealism of Berkeley’s and Hume… Read more
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(Original title: Buržoázny človek medzi existenciou a bytím (Marxis­tické poznámky k filozofickému vývinu Martina Heideggera))
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 458-471.
The paper deals with the philosophical development of Martin Heidegger, whose creation has been divided into two stages by the author. In the first — in the period “being and time“ the centre-of-gravity of Heidegger’s creation is the existentialist analysis of human being. Later, he left the analysis of human being and turned toward a new dimension, to being. He… Read more
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(Original title: Z filozofického života v NDR)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 472-479.
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(Original title: Rozum a dejiny)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 480-483.
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(Original title: Marxisticko-leninská etika ako filozofická disciplína)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 484-487.
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(Original title: Kritika psychoanalýzy a biologistických koncepcií)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 487-491.
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(Original title: Základy historického materializmu)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 491-493.
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(Original title: Akademik Igor Hrušovský (14. 4. 1907 — 18. 7. 1978))
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 4, 494.
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